Client: Allseas
Location: Offshore Mediteranian
Year executed: 2018
Noble Energy Mediterranean and its partners are developing a gas production and transportation system connecting the Leviathan development and satellite fields to the Israeli gas market infrastructure off the northern coast of Israel.
The Leviathan Field is located offshore in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin. The water depth in the Leviathan Field ranges from 1600 m to 1750 m.
The Project will be a subsea production system connecting high-rate subsea wells to a fixed platform. The subsea production system and fixed platform will be designed to accommodate up to 2100 Million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd).
SPT Offshore was responsible for the preparation of the installation engineering documents for two start-up piles and provision of start-up piles and suction installation services. Two suction piles were installed in January 2018 from the Allseas vessel Audacia with the SAPS-003 and removed a year later in January 2918 with the same spread again.